NK Times reports only facts that have been thoroughly confirmed by local sources in North Korea.

Nktimes introduction

Nktimes introduction

In-depth news agency that delivers news from North Korea We sincerely welcome you to NK Times!

NK Times strives to become an in-depth news agency that guarantees the right to know of domestic and foreign readers interested in North Korean issues.

Media reporting requires clear fairness and objectivity in any situation. Fairness and accuracy are the most important core values that the media should pursue.

In particular, reporting on North Korea requires greater accuracy and objectivity.

Our goal is to provide readers at home and abroad with valuable and timely North Korean news and information on various topics, including North Korea’s politics, economy, culture, and society, through accurate factual basis and logical analysis.

In order to provide accurate and objective North Korea news, NK Times contacts local North Korean residents and reports only thoroughly confirmed facts, and is improving and developing its services to meet the diverse interests and needs of readers interested in North Korea.

If you join NK Times, you can receive accurate news from North Korea. We will do our best to provide high-quality and accurate North Korea news in the future. thank you