NK Times reports only facts that have been thoroughly confirmed by local sources in North Korea.

North Korea News

“Social Safety Directive Obtained… Contains ‘No 510’ Training Plan”

김세원 기자

Human rights, North Korea News

[Exclusive] China forcibly repatriates 30 North Korean defectors again… Directly sent to ‘re-education center’ without investigation

김세원 기자

Human rights, North Korea News

North Korea’s Security Department begins investigation into those involved in South Korean broadcast photos

김세원 기자

North Korea News

Obtained photos of the current status of Cheongjin Port…dozens of wooden boats

김세원 기자

North Korea News

The ‘20×10 local development policy’ was in danger of fading from the beginning… why?

김세원 기자

Human rights, North Korea News

In North Korea, sympathy for North Korean defectors forcibly repatriated spreads… “Why didn’t you go to Korea?”

김세원 기자