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North Korea News
North Korea Releases New Smartphone ‘Pyongyang 2438’ Resembling iPhone
North Korea News
“North Korea, exchange rate on the rise for 3 consecutive months… Are food prices stable?”
Human rights, North Korea News
Bodies Found One After Another at Flood Sites in Chagang Province… “870 in Zenggang County alone”
North Korea News
Jagang Province Military Factory Flood Damage Serious… “Railroad Bridge and Road Completely Destroyed”
North Korea News
Following North Pyongan Province, flood damage in Yanggang Province as well… 2 soldiers missing
North Korea News, price
North Korea, dollar and yuan record-high rise… Exceeded the 14,000 won level
North Korea News
North Korea, legal common sense (2) “Is engagement a legal act?”… Emphasis on “moral promise”
North Korea News
North Korea mobilizes three agencies to crack down on trade and smuggled goods to prevent information inflow and outflow
North Korea News
Pyongyang is vibrant with 24-hour electricity supply… Provinces suffer from power shortage
North Korea, rice and corn prices fall by 200 won on average… Declining trend for 3 consecutive months
North Korea News
Four unidentified North Korean residents defected through Sokcho, Gangwon-do
North Korea News
[Exclusive] North Korea’s “Youth Education Guarantee Act” obtained… “Impose criminal liability in case of illegal activity.”